Saturday 19 October 2019 marks the first full year of iSizwe Distributors’ existence. Many new business do not survive their first year, so this is a landmark worth celebrating.
Not only have we survived, but we are developing a sustainable and successful business. We have a fantastic team of people working at iSizwe and our clients are seeing the real benefit of their experience, skill, knowledge and commitment. We have a fantastic group of clients who we value greatly and work hard to delight every day. Having such amazing supportive clients is a huge asset for any business, but more so for a start-up. We also have wonderful service providers who always go the extra mile for us ensuring that we exceed expectations and are able to give our clients competitive rates and amazing service. On top of this we have an amazing group of people who have provided us with invaluable support, assistance and goodwill. I would like to thank you all for helping us to get this far.
We are most certainly not the finished product yet. We still have many more plans to put in place to ensure that we continue to grow, continue to develop the South African print publishing industry and grow circulations for our clients who all deserve to see ever growing circulations and improved efficiencies. We are working on broadening our service offering and deepening our services to provide even more value to our clients.
It has been an interesting year and we have made a few mistakes (that we have learned from), we have had many successes that we have celebrated and we have had a few problems that we have overcome. We are looking forward to the next 12 months with a great deal of excitement and we hope that more of you will be able to join us as we drive on ahead distributing South Africa’s best and most exciting publications, having fun doing it and delighting readers wherever we find them.
They say it takes a village to raise a child… It may have taken a whole city to bring our business to life and we could not have done it without the support of all your help.
I would like to especially thank:
Jolanda, Irene, Brian, Zec, Kalen, Billy and Thabiso.
Peter, Hussein. Brent, Melissa, Jonathan and Craig.
The two Pauls, Carike, Soraya, Ophelia, Rebecca and Sipho.
Trevor, Kenias, Kangai, Hatred, Punish and Brian.
Martin, Nicci and Maud.
Linda and Ann.
Sid, Roberta, Sikona, Minolin and Thameshan and Garreth.
Mel and Iain.
Evans and Robbie.
Cuba (no, not the WHOLE country).
Anne, Wayne and Kevin.
Mom and Dad.
Elizabeth and Alexandra.
Ilario and Gabriella.
Pontsho and Sipho.
Leanne, Nadine and Leonie.
Lyn and Mandy.
Andre, Tamzen, Shaheed and Richard.
Elaine (OMG VAT!!!!)
Ria, Geoff and Janine.
Greg, Eric and Penny.
Rachele, Humphrey and Xolani
All our readers and subscribers who make all of this possible.
And of course EVERYONE else who has wished us well, offered a word of encouragement or lent an ear. Your inputs have been hugely appreciated.
We look forward to welcoming more clients, staff and service providers in 2020!

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